
Lessons Learned

The Christmas Hairdryer!


The Christmas Hairdryer

Every Christmas, as I gather with family, the story of the Christmas hairdryer emerges.

You see, when I was little girl, my Dad, sister and I went to buy my Mom a Christmas gift. My Dad is such a great guy, but this particular year, he was a little behind on buying my Mom’s Christmas gift. It was Christmas Eve and off we went to the department store in town.

Interestingly, my Mom rode with us. Once my Dad parked the car, my Mom stayed inside the car while my Dad, sister and I went into the store to pick out a gift that expressed our devout appreciation and love for her.

I was four years old and my sister was nine. We did not know what a young wife and mother would want for Christmas so my Dad decided on a hairdryer.

You know, something practical and useful!

We purchased the hairdryer and I was beaming with excitement! I was so happy about this gift that I was about to bust! I thought a hairdryer was the most glorious gift ever decided upon and I could not wait to see the joy on my Mother’s face when she opened it on Christmas morning!

I was so elated that in fact, I could not wait until Christmas morning!

As my Dad carried the hairdryer in the plastic shopping bag to the car to put it in the trunk, I ran and jumped in the back seat. My Mom was still sitting patiently in the front seat of the car.

Before I could even get the door shut, I was overcome with delight and said, “Mama, we bought you a gift. I can’t tell you what we got you, but I’ll give you one hint.” My Mom’s eyes were wide with anticipation as she waited for my hint. Then I proudly said,

“It’s something you dry your hair with.”

Around Christmastime, this story resurfaces in our family. We enjoy a good laugh about that Christmas Eve, but do you know what really makes me smile? The fact that I still remember the joy I felt in my heart over the Christmas hairdryer.

It did not matter to me that it was a hairdryer. What mattered to me was that we had a special gift for my Mom. I loved her so much and I could not wait to give it to her!

When I think a little more deeply about the gift of the Christmas hairdryer, God nudges my heart about the most special gift He gave over 2,000 years ago in His son, Jesus. My heart is convicted because sometimes the weight of the world feels like it is on my shoulders and I lose my perspective about what really matters in this life.

I wonder if you ever feel that way?

Do you sometimes feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you sometimes worry about your life and forget that God is in control?

Do you ever find that you have lost your excitement about your faith?

It’s normal to feel that way from time to time. The important thing is that you do not settle for being in a spiritual slump.

The important thing is that you find the courage to confess your sins, repent and get back on track with God!

As we begin 2016, let’s be diligent to spend more time in prayer, more time reading our Bibles and more time serving others. It won’t happen just because we want it to happen. Like all relationships, our relationship with God takes work!

We can have great intentions but not make any progress because we do not implement a plan. We need to implement spiritual disciplines into our lives that grow us closer to God.

We need to seek after Him with all of our heart!

Here are a few ideas that I have found helpful:

  • Go to bed 30 minutes early or get up 30 minutes earlier than normal so you can study your Bible and pray.
  • Pick a Bible reading plan and stick with it. You don’t have to read the Bible cover to cover in just one year (although that is a great goal to have). Pick a plan that works well for you.
  • Download a Bible podcast or Bible App (like the daily audio bible https://dailyaudiobible.com). Set a time and listen everyday.
  • Start praying with your family or change up your family prayer time to go deeper into God’s Word.
  • Start a “joy jar”. A joy jar is an empty jar you can decorate and place in a prominent place in your home. On a regular basis, have your family write down moments of “joy” where God has answered prayers throughout the year.
  • Memorize scripture. You can use simple 3 x 5 note cards. Write down one verse a week and start memorizing. I have found that posting the verse in my car is a great way for me to memorize scripture. Read and study the verse over and over throughout the week. You’ll be amazed at all the scripture you can memorize in a year.
  • Join a Bible study at your church or at a friend’s church. Plugging in at your local church is so important for your spiritual growth.
  • Get your mind off of your problems and invest in others. Get busy serving!
  • When you feel discouraged, stop and count your blessings!

As a little girl, I was thrilled about the Christmas hairdryer gift, but you know what? As followers of Christ, you and I know the GREATEST gift of all, Jesus!

Sometimes we don’t feel as excited to share Jesus as we once did. This often happens because we get too caught up in the cares of this world. We lose our perspective and drift away from God.

The good news is that we serve a gracious God and we can come back to Him!

Do you want a closer relationship with God? You can have it! You need the right perspective, a plan, and perseverance!

Be determined to make 2016 a year of dramatic spiritual growth!

Grateful for you!

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

-Jeremiah 29:13

Control Freak!


I like a routine!  I like a plan!

What about you?

Do you like knowing what is going to happen next?  Do you like to be in control of your life?   Have you ever been referred to as a control freak???

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Now, listen my friend, there’s nothing wrong with a plan.  In fact, there are several scripture references that mention the importance of being prepared.  (Proverbs 6:6-8   Proverbs 27:23  Proverbs 31  Proverbs 15:22  Luke 14:28)

Plans are not bad, but sometimes I get stuck in my plan.  I fall into the trap of thinking I know what is best for my life.  As women, we juggle a lot of responsibilities and I think overall, we are planners.  There are only so many hours in the day, and so we have things planned out to ensure everything gets done.

I don’t like it when my plans are interrupted.  I don’t like to feel out of control, but the truth is….I am not in control, God is.

In Exodus 3:2 we read about a time when Moses’ life was interrupted by God.

“And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!”

As Moses was tending his flock, accomplishing his daily “to do list”, God showed up and announced a specific calling on his life.  God divinely interrupted Moses’ life and boy did He have something important to say!  God said to Moses, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10)

What a task for one man!  An extraordinary assignment—to approach Pharaoh and to free an entire nation of people!  There were about 600,000 men, plus all the women and children. (Exodus 12:37)

It was never in Moses’ life plan to go to Pharaoh about freeing the Israelites.  He did not feel qualified for this task.  He did not ask for this assignment.  In fact, he gave God excuses on why he was NOT the man for the job.

But God’s plan prevailed because God is God and He makes the plans!  (Jeremiah 29:11)

For most of us, God does not typically show up in the form of a burning bush, but:

  • God still speaks!
  • God still calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things!
  • God still divinely interrupts the lives of His people!

Our desire to control our lives could be the very thing that prevents us from living the life God has planned for us to live.

As you make plans for your life my friend, hang on to your plans loosely.  Keep your main focus on loving God and seeking after Him.   

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

God is at work all around us.  Let’s be looking for Him to divinely interrupt our lives and let’s be ready and willing to go wherever He leads!

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”   James 4:13-15

Thankful for you!



When Bad Things Happen to Good People


Why do bad things happen to good people?

This is an age-old question isn’t it?

You and I cannot earn our way to an easy life. We cannot control everything around us to prevent bad things from happening.

Bad things happen to everyone!

Last week I heard about a lady who found out her 22 year old daughter has cancer. Interestingly, this same lady just went through a terrible illness herself and her husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer six months ago. He was finishing his last chemotherapy regimen when they got the news about their daughter.

This lady is a God-fearing, God-honoring, righteous-seeking woman who loves God with all she’s got! Yet, she finds herself plunged into another emotional whirlwind, and she wonders “why.”

This lady cries out to God, “what have I done to deserve this pain?”  She knows God could just speak it and her daughter would be healed. With gut-wrenching heartache, she wonders why God doesn’t rescue her from this trial.

We hear about stories like this, and sometimes, we are the ones living out the story.  Sometimes, the heartache is ours.

My friend, when you face a terrible trial in your life, I want to encourage you that instead of asking “why is this happening,” try asking, “what should I do?”  You see, there are some things you and I can do to help us through those difficult times. My encouragement to you today is three-fold.


Now, many of us think of E.S.P. as Extrasensory Perception or the sixth sense. That is NOT what I’m referring today.  When bad things happen, I want you to remember a different kind of E.S.P. Here it is:

  1. Exercise your Faith

Bad news often leads us to a crossroad in our faith. We must decide what we REALLY believe about God. We need to examine our hearts and ask ourselves these important questions:

  • Do I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God?
  • Do I believe God is who He says He is?
  • Do I believe Jesus paid the penalty for my sins when he died on the cross?
  • Do I believe Jesus rose from the grave and defeated death?
  • Do I believe eternity in heaven is real for the believer in Jesus?
  • Do I believe God’s promises are true?
  • Do I trust God?
  • Do I believe God loves me?

You and I must reason in our hearts and minds what we believe about God.   Where do we stand?  This belief is the framework of our existence. It means everything!

Do we have faith?

Faith is like a muscle. As it is exercised, it gets stronger. BUT–before your faith can grow stronger, it must first be rooted in Jesus.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. ~Colossians 2:6-7

When we stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ, we have a reason to keep going and not give up!  Rooted in Christ, we realize there is purpose for the pain we are experiencing and we trust that God is working out things according to His will.

Rooted in Him, our heart’s desire is for HIS will to be done, not our own.

Rooted in Him, we believe in what we cannot see.

Rooted in Him, we trust Him.

Even through the hardest trials, we need to keep exercising our faith.  We need to continue worshipping God, spending time in prayer, studying our Bibles, serving at church and obeying God.  The worst thing we can do is quit.  We must persevere!

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.  ~James 1:12

Step 1:  Exercise your faith, even through the most painful of trials.

  1. Surrender

This second piece of E.S.P. is crucial. The root of this word, “surrender,” means to relinquish possession or control to another, to submit to the power and control of another.

Being a Christian means surrendering to God.

Some things are easy to surrender to God, while other things feel impossible.

Surrender this trial to God.

No matter how hard we try, there are some things we cannot fix. There are some things we cannot make go away. Ultimately, God is in control!  You and I can only surrender to someone that we trust and we can trust God to handle the trials we face.  He is big enough.  There is nothing impossible for Him.

Surrender to God’s agenda.

God has a plan. He has a master plan for this world, but He also has a plan for your life.  Sometimes, His timeline does not match up to our timeline, and often, His holy plan does not make sense to our human minds. We must abandon our own agenda and surrender to His plan and timeline.

Step 2:  Surrender

  1. Pray

Prayer is essential!  We need to pray!  When we are faced with bad news, the first place you and I need to go is to our knees in prayer.

Prayer is one of the most powerful forces on earth!  The fact that we can communicate with the God of the Universe is amazing!  The fact that He actually hears and responds to our prayers is miraculous!

Here are some important things I have learned about prayer in my walk with God:

  • I need to confess my sins
  • I need to proclaim His holiness
  • I need to approach Him with a grateful heart
  • I need to be bold in my prayers
  • I need to be reverent when praying
  • God answers prayers (sometimes in ways that only He and I know about)
  • My prayers matter to God
  • My motives need to be right when I pray
  • I need to be persistent and pray with a heart yielded to God’s will

You and I can pray about anything!  Pour out your heart to God, my friend.  He is listening!

Step 3:  Pray

We never know when bad news will strike, and when it does, we may never be able to explain the “why” behind what is happening.   But, we can tackle the question, “what should I do?”

Remember E.S.P.

Exercise your faith.  Surrender all you’ve got to God and Pray fervently through your heartache.

God has a plan.  We can trust Him!

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Psalm 112:7

Thankful for you!


Beer cans, garbage and trash everywhere!


Tonight, I was looking through some old files on my computer as I was preparing for an upcoming Bible study.  I ran across this document that I wrote years ago.  I changed the names for privacy sake, but I wanted to share it with you.  I remember this night so vividly and as I read this tonight, it challenged me and made me examine my heart.  It reminded me of who we are called to be…


Life is busy!

With our day planners and “to do” lists jam-packed, we are all bombarded with busyness. If I think back on my life, I can hardly remember a time when my life was not busy. What does it take for us to slow down?

In our busy lives, how can we smell the roses if we don’t even have time to notice them?

In the busyness of my day, when I stop to pray and spend time with God, I am once again reminded that there is more to life than my busy schedule.  He ever so gently reminds me that no matter how busy I think I am, there are opportunities for me to minister to others.

Unfortunately, most of the time my eyes are so fixed on ME and MY “to do” list, I miss opportunities God places directly in my path to serve others.

I forget that I am called to serve.

God showed me an example of this the other night, after church. It was a cold Wednesday evening, and I was tired. Exhausted from chasing 14 preschoolers around the room, singing “Father Abraham” and “Zacheus”, I was ready to go home.

In my mind, I already had the remainder of my evening planned out with laundry to do, baths to give, day care bags to pack, etc. So when my husband, Bryan, came to me and said we need to give Mrs. Baucom and her granddaughter, Elise, a ride home, I thought to myself…

“I don’t have time for that–isn’t there someone else that can take them home?  We do have 2 very small children you know?”

But, since Elise was standing right beside me when Bryan said this, I could not object. So, begrudgingly I smiled and said “ok” and off we went. When we drove up to Elise’s house, I was astonished by the scene in front of my eyes.

I could not believe Elise’s living conditions.

There was garbage everywhere, the yard was full of junk, and the car port was covered with old furniture, boxes, beer cans and anything else you can think of.  The house had broken windows and there was a broken down car in the yard with grass growing out of the hood!

My heart sank into the pits of my stomach as now my “to do” list seemed so insignificant.

As Elise thanked us for the ride and went skipping off into her house, I wondered how many opportunities I had missed to minister to her and her family all because I did not know their situation. I did not know anything about her or her parents.

You know why I did not know these things?  Because I did not make time to find out (I was too busy with my life)!

This family had needs, but I was so self-absorbed I had not even noticed.

We all know the song “This Little Light of Mine.” It originates from scripture in Matthew 5:14-15 which says:

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”

Think about that little song and think about how you are living your life.

I wonder if you have been like me?

Have you been placing your light under the bowl of busyness?

Sometime I am so self-absorbed that I am oblivious to the needs of others.  Sometimes, I consider myself “too busy” to get to know others and lend a helping hand.

Tonight, God reminded me that I need to get over myself!

Jesus says we are the light of the world, not the light of ourselves!

We must get out there and let our light shine because of Him! We need to make others our priority and get to know them.  We need to serve!

My friend, remember to make time to help others; after all, your “to do” list (and mine) can wait.



Not a Beauty Pageant Queen!



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I’ll never forget it!

Many years ago, after church, an older gentleman approached me and said, “Joy, you are not pretty enough to win a beauty pageant, but I think your personality makes you pretty.”

Wait, what did he just say?

I had no idea how to respond to his statement.   Still in confusion that someone would make an effort to come and tell me that I was not pretty, I half-heartedly replied with, “oh, thank you, I think.”

I walked away baffled and feeling very unattractive. I received this man’s statement to mean that while he thought I was nice, he also thought I was ugly.   It hurt my feelings, so I responded by being less friendly to him and I avoided him at church.

When someone hurts my feelings, my first reaction is to defend myself and then, to distance myself from that person.

What about you?

When someone hurts your feelings, do you mull over it? Does it cause you to treat that person differently? Do you have unforgiveness in your heart towards that person?

Do you have trouble getting over it?

Now, when I look back on the “beauty pageant” comment, I can see that I was too sensitive. My pride caused me to hold a grudge against this man who was a friend of mine. I had known him for years and we had always had a healthy relationship.

He was not a person who would hurt me on purpose.

After I examined my own heart, I realized I overreacted.

Ecclesiastes 7:20-22 says, “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins. Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you—for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.”

From time to time, we stick our foot in our mouths don’t we? We start a conversation with the best of intentions, and end up saying something we later regret.  Sometimes, our words just do not come out right.

It happens to us all.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are encouraged not to overreact to every word someone says. We are encouraged not to be sensitive when other people say things that rub us the wrong way. Instead, we are to remember that we, also, say things we later regret.

We all struggle with communication from time to time, so the next time someone else’s words hurt your feelings, be careful not to take it too seriously. Try not to hold every word against them.

Remember this verse in Ecclesiastes.  Extend a little mercy and have a heart that is quick to forgive.

Grateful for you!




My Two Cents


God does not look at what man looks at. God judges the motives of our hearts. (Proverbs 16:2)

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” Mark 12:41-44

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Can’t you image this scene? People are coming to give their money to the temple treasury and Jesus is watching. Some would say the bigger the bag of money, the better the person. Others may say the more money you give, the greater the sacrifice.

Not Jesus.

As Jesus watches the crowd bring their offering, he knows what lies deep within their hearts.   He can see what others cannot see.

Jesus knows their life stories.

As the widow places her two coins into the treasury, she is no stranger to Jesus.  He knows everything about her.  He knows she is poor and that she is giving all she has.  Jesus knows the gravity of her sacrifice.

Today, I want you to remember that God sees your whole story. There is nothing hidden from His sight. (Hebrews 4:13)

He knows every battle you are fighting.

He knows the struggles you’re having with your sister. He knows how insecure you feel about your body.  He sees you go into your closet, in secret, to cry.  He knows every failure you have experienced, every sin you have committed.  He knows how you worry. He knows every doubt and fear that keeps you awake at night.

God knows when you are exhausted emotionally, physically and spiritually.

But you know what else He knows?

He knows when you give your all to serve Him. He hears you when you praise Him through song, in your car.  He listens as you pray for your friend.  He sees you read your Bible.  He watches as you stand for righteousness.  He knows about the meal you brought to a friend.  He saw you give extra money, in secret, to help a stranger.  He knows how hard you work, serving at church and in the community.

God sees everything.  Not only does He know what you do, He knows why you do those things.

I wonder if you ever feel like the widow who only had two coins to give.  I wonder if you sometimes feel that your contribution to God’s kingdom is insignificant.

Sometimes I feel like that.

Sometimes the enemy whispers in my ear, “Someone else can do it better than you, Joy.” or “Why do you keep trying when you never get it right?  Joy, you should quit.”

When you begin to doubt your contribution to the kingdom of God, you need to stop and remember that the enemy is a liar!

Here is the Truth:

  • You are significant to the kingdom of God.  (Psalm 139)
  • He created you with a purpose in mind. (Romans 8:28)
  • Unfortunately, you will mess up.  We all do!  (Romans 3:23)
  • But, you are forgiven through the blood of Christ (Isaiah 1:18)
  • God’s compassion on you never fails.  His mercies are new every morning.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)
  • When you are tired, He will give you strength.  (Isaiah 40:29)
  • When you feel brokenhearted, He is near. (Psalm 34:18)
  • He keeps track of when you are sad.  He collects all your tears in His bottle and records each one in His book.   (Psalm 56:8)
  • Remember, life is not all fun and games.  God has work for you to do.  (James 2:17)
  • Know that He has gifted you to serve others. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
  • He is faithful, so don’t give up!   When He calls you to it, He will do it!  (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
  • His plan for you is not an easy plan, but it is a good plan.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

God knows everything you are going through, and like the widow, sometimes you only have two coins to offer Him.

That’s okay.

Put what you have into His kingdom’s treasury my friend, and trust that He will use you for His purpose, His will, and His glory!


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”   ~Isaiah 6:8


You Need a Break!


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Can you believe that summer is here? You know what that means! No school for the kids and it is time for summer vacation! It is time to go make memories with those you love, get some rest and have some fun! As I think about upcoming summer plans, I am reminded of the importance of taking time away from the busyness of this life to rest and refresh.

When God created Eve, he designed her, in part, as a helpmate to Adam.

“Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

You and I were created to be caregivers and nurturers. As women, we are often more concerned about someone else’s needs instead of our own. God calls us to be servants and to put others before ourselves, but it is important to realize that he also created us as people of limits. We cannot keep going and going.

You and I need time to rest and recharge!

I have found it difficult to rest and recharge while I am at home. As I look around my house, there is always something I could be doing. A closet that needs cleaning out, blinds that need dusting, weeds to pull and the list goes on. I have found great benefit in going away from my normal environment to find the rest and recharging I so desperately need.

Now I know what you’re thinking….there is no way I can get away…I have too much to do.  I get it!  We have all types of reasons on why we cannot take a vacation and get away. It will cost too much, there is too much to do at home or at work, going away takes too much effort etc.  Listen my friend, life is short and too precious to only spend your time working.

Your body, spirit and mind need time to rejuvenate.   You need to take a break from all the work.  You need rest.   You also need time to go have FUN and enjoy the people God has blessed you with.

In Mark 6:31, Jesus says to his disciples after a hard day’s work, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.”


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Speedy, the Three-Legged Turtle


Sam and Speedy

I just had to write to you and tell you about Sam’s turtle, Speedy.

Speedy is a red-eared slider turtle that Sam found three years ago while we were living in Tennessee. Speedy only has three legs, so he is a special turtle!

Speedy lived in Sam’s room in a nice, big, aquatic turtle tank where Sam took good care of him.

What you might not know about red-eared slider turtles, is they can live up to 70 years! YES, that’s right! 70 years! I had no idea about this tidbit of information when I agreed to this turtle idea three years ago.

Last summer we moved to NC and of course Speedy came with us. It was then that I noticed how much he was growing. We already upgraded Speedy’s tank the Christmas before, but now he was growing even bigger.  I had no idea what to do about it, so I decided to do a little research and see what other people had to say about these terrapins.

It is never good when you come across a blog about red-eared slider turtles that reads, “Think twice before keeping that cute little turtle.” I learned that these adorable tiny shelled critters grow larger than a paper plate and require much attention and money!

One might ask why a responsible parent did not do this research before they gave an innocent child permission to keep the turtle. Yes, one might ask.

Well, by now it was too late! Speedy was a family member, and he was getting bigger by the day.  Bryan and I were not sure what to do, so we did what any desperate parent would do. We tried to talk our nine year old son into releasing a three-legged turtle back into the wild.

Yeah, it did not go so well.

We have a pond right beside our house so we began talking with Sam about how wonderful it would be for Speedy to have more room to swim. We told Sam that Speedy deserved a chance to have a family (including a wife and potential baby Speedy turtles). We talked about how happy Speedy would be basking in the sun on a nice big rock with other turtles.

You can imagine how that turned out. Sam would not have it! He was totally against it. He quickly reminded us that Speedy only had three legs and that he was not a strong swimmer. He told us that Speedy could never survive on his own and how he would most definitely die! AND–how could we do that to a member of the family???

At the rate this was going, I was quite sure Speedy would end up in the nursing home with me.

Much to my surprise, last weekend (out of the blue), Sam runs into the house proclaiming, “I am going to release Speedy.”

Wait, what?

I had already given up on this turtle moving out of my house, and had already begun researching 100 gallon turtle tanks!

Sam just up and decided he wanted to set Speedy free and he wanted to collect baby turtles in his tank. He told me he had been thinking about it and I was right.

Wait, what?

Speedy was getting too big for his tank, so he was going to set him free and set up a turtle care center in his room. Grow the turtles up, release them and catch new ones.

This happened fast, my friend!

Within minutes, Sam got Speedy out of the tank and he and his friend, Ethan, put Speedy on the bank of the pond. I grabbed my phone so I could capture this moment with photos and videos as we watched Speedy, the three-legged turtle, set sail on a new adventure!

Just like that!

As I watched Speedy’s shell sink beneath the pond’s surface, I thought about how hard it was for Sam to let Speedy go. I saw a few tears in Sam’s eyes, but I also saw joy on his face when he saw Speedy swimming on his own.

I was reminded of what it’s like being a Mom. We have these sweet little babies and little by little they grow up until one day we realize just how grown up they are. We begin to understand that they no longer need to be under the direct supervision of Mom and Dad. We realize they are ready for a life out on their own.

There is a time when we must let them go.

If you’re a mom, then maybe you’re like me and your kids are still at home. Or maybe your kids have already set sail on their own life’s adventure. Either way, life passes by quickly and with each season of life, there are challenges which pull at our heart strings.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. There is a time plant and a time to uproot. God has made everything beautiful in its time.”

I think Sam learned a valuable lesson by releasing Speedy. He learned what it’s like to love something with all your heart and how to have the courage to let it go. He learned that some things in life only last for a season and then they are gone.

You know what? I learned those lessons all over again, too.

Sail on, Speedy!


Ready? Set? GO!



Do you send emails on a regular basis? In my job as a pharmacy professor, I send a lot of emails. Some emails are quick and to the point. Other emails are more detailed, especially when the email involves instructions about a very important project.

When I type out an email, it is very important that it is concise and correct. It needs to be free of spelling and grammatical errors and it needs to express my thoughts clearly. So, before I send an email, I re-read it several times. I proof it for errors and rework my sentences to make sure I am communicating the way I intend.

I can proofread and rework my sentences all I want to, but there comes a time when I must click the send button. There is a time when the preparation of the email is over. There is a time for the email to GO!

This makes me think about my walk with God.      

When God calls me to do something for His kingdom, there is usually a preparation period. I think about it. I pray about it. I stay submerged in God’s Word.  I seek out good Christian counsel about it. I begin to make plans to do what He is calling me to do.

The preparation period is important, but there comes a time when I must take that next step to DO what He is calling me to do.

Joshua was a mighty warrior. His charge was to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. As the Jordan River stood between his people and their destiny, Joshua prepared. He told the people to consecrate themselves before God. He told them to get ready.

The day came when the preparation and planning period was over.   The day came when Joshua and the people had to GO!


“Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, 

the water from upstream stopped flowing.” ~Joshua 3:15-16a


I wonder if there is something God is urging you to do.   I wonder if He has placed a specific calling upon your life.  Maybe there is somewhere He is urging you to go.  Maybe there is a new project He is calling you to start.  I wonder if you have spent time thinking, praying and planning.  I wonder what your next step needs to be.

I wonder if you are fearful about that next step.  

God had a specific calling on Joshua’s life.  Joshua’s calling was not easy.  It involved hard work!  As Joshua was preparing to fulfill his calling, God told Joshua to be strong and very courageous.  

I encourage you to be brave and take that important next step, my friend.  Be strong and very courageous.  Remember, real faith is not passive.  Real faith requires action!

Get ready. Get set. GO!

Thanks for stopping by!


When Christmas is NOT the most wonderful time of the year…


I am not a coffee person. I know!  I know!  You probably think there is something seriously wrong with me!  Well,  I have tried it many different ways but cannot get past the coffee taste. For me, the coffee bean is not flavorful.  Although coffee is not for me, I do think that people who drink coffee look sophisticated. I am very impressed when I hear folks speak the “coffee language” because I have no idea what they are talking about. Coffee people understand the differences between Mochas, Iced Coffees, Cappuccinos, Cafe au Laits, Frappes, Macchiatos, Lattes, and Espressos. Just thinking about it makes me dizzy.  Just look at this menu below:

Screen Shot 2014-12-12 at 3.50.07 PM

No, I am not a coffee person. My favorite cold weather beverage is hot chocolate!   YUMMMMM!  When it is loaded down with marshmallows and whipped cream, I am one happy camper. I love a cold night when I can wear my fuzzy wool socks, put on my soft, comfy pajamas, and have my favorite mug full to the brim with that warm delicious drink from heaven.   It is something I look forward to as the Christmas season approaches.

What do you look forward to as Christmas gets closer?

Many of us get excited when we pull the Christmas decorations out of the attic and begin putting together our own winter wonderland. We look forward to finding that perfect gift for our loved ones and we smile when we hear Christmas music on the radio. We often sing, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, but for many people, the Christmas season is not the most wonderful time of the year. For many people, Christmas is full of painful memories, loss and sadness.

My Mother-in-law was admitted into the hospice unit at Presbyterian Hospital the day before Christmas Eve many years ago.   All she wanted was to spend one last Christmas at home with her family, but instead, she was rushed to the hospital in respiratory distress because the cancer had spread violently to her lungs. So that year for Christmas, we all crammed into a small hospital room and spent Christmas listening to the sound of a breathing machine while nurses and physicians came in and out every hour to check her. She was jaundiced, weak and unable to speak clearly. She was dying. We set up a tiny Christmas tree in her room.   We held hands, we prayed, we cried, and we told her how much we loved her. Just as we had done for seven years, our family pleaded with God for healing, but in His sovereignty, He chose not to heal her. She died at the age of 46.

Our family had Jesus with us each step of the way that Christmas. He never left us. He was there to comfort us. He was there to love us. He was our strength and our joy.

For many this Christmas season, there is no joy because they do not know the giver of joy. There is no hope because they have never met the one who brings hope into this lost world.

This Christmas season, I hope you and I will pay close attention to those in our midst who are struggling with sadness and pain. I hope we will not turn a blind eye to them, but instead, I pray we see their needs and step into their lives to bring HOPE. We can bring hope to them because we know the HOPE of the world! We need to tell them that God sent His son into our world to save us. We need to tell them that Jesus is HOPE. He is LOVE. He is JOY. He gives us every reason to smile and sing, regardless of our painful past.

If someone you know is hurting this Christmas season, I encourage you to reach out to them in a special way this year. Invite them to be a part of your family tradition or ask them to come share a cup of coffee or hot chocolate with you. However you reach out to them this season, just be sure to tell them about your amazing Savior, Jesus, the one who gives life everlasting.

Merry Christmas to you, my friend!
