
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses


Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.  The word, “excuse” is defined as a reason or explanation used to justify a fault or offense.  An excuse is sometimes made so the guilty party does not appear to be guilty.  We have all kinds of excuses on why we are late for work, or we forgot a friend’s birthday or we are not sticking to our exercise regimen.  Being a teacher, I think I may have heard it all when it comes to excuses.  Students come up with all kinds of reasons why they were unable to complete their assignments.  Sometimes the excuses are valid, other times—not so much.  It is hard to admit when we make a mistake but admitting the mistake is so important.  There are lots of excuses people give for why they won’t accept Christ, but none of those excuses have any merit.  The bottom line is that not accepting Christ leads to death and destruction.  Remember the story in Luke where the man has a banquet and invites many to come.  Luke 14:18 says they all started making excuses on why they could not come.  The man became angry and invited the poor, crippled, lame and blind.  After this, there was still room at the banquet, but the man said, none of the men who were invited shall taste my banquet.  This parable teaches us that God invites us into His family and that invitation comes through Christ and Christ alone.  Many who are invited have excuses on why they do not choose to accept Him.  God’s invitation to accept Christ does not last forever.  We have but one life to live and we are not guaranteed that tomorrow will come.  Our God is not a God of excuses.  He invites us to come to Him, repent and place our complete life in His hands.  Without obedience we spend eternity away from Him.  Have you accepted His invitation?  Have you given your life to Christ?  If not, I encourage you my friend to stop making excuses and do it today!  Remember, His invitation doesn’t last forever.  Thanks for reading today!

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