
When Life is Hard

Overwhelmed with life?


A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those weeks where many things came crashing down all at once.  I imagine you know what kind of week I am talking about.  Those types of weeks leave you feeling defeated, beaten down and overwhelmed.  Those are the kind of weeks where you begin to question everything you are doing as a wife, mother, daughter, employee, friend, and even as a child of God.  Well, that was my week and the enemy was in full force trying to steal my joy.  As I cried out to God in desperation over what I needed to do to “fix” my problems,  He began to reveal some truths to me that I needed to hear.  He began to expose some of the sin in my life and He began to teach me how to get back on track with His plan.

I wonder if you feel overwhelmed right now with all of the responsibilities you carry in your life.  I wonder if you feel defeated as a wife, mom, friend, coworker or even as a Christian.  I wonder if there are nights when you cry yourself to sleep and no one knows about it.  I wonder…..

My friend, we all feel overwhelmed from time to time.  This life is stressful and the demands on us are great.  I want to give you some encouragement as you read this posting.  I want you to know that you are not alone.  None of us have it all together.  Oh–we know how to look the part, but inside we all have insecurities and we all need Jesus!  None of us have perfect marriages.  Most of us struggle knowing how to raise our children, and most of us have more laundry piled up than we want to admit.  Below is a list I put together of some lessons God continues to teach me about fighting the feeling of being overwhelmed.  As you read this list, I hope it causes you (like it does me) to examine your life more closely.  I hope it brings you some encouragement!

  • We must spend quality time with God, daily and study His Word.  It is a MUST!  Set aside time with Him.  Be intentional about it!
  • We should prioritize our relationships according to God’s plan (your most important human relationship is with your spouse).   Our children should not be more important than our spouse.  Neither should our best girl friends, or even our Mother.  Our man should be our #1 human relationship!
  • We need to pray and LISTEN more carefully to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Do we know how to hear His voice?  Are we hungry to hear Him?  If not, ask Him to help you.
  • We should be careful before committing to a new project.  Just because something is a good idea, does not mean we should be a part of it.  Every need is NOT your calling!
  • We need to stop over-scheduling ourselves and our children.  We all need time at home to play in the back yard and we need to have more regular meals together around the kitchen table.
  • We cannot do everything for our children.  We are raising them to be responsible adults.  Being a helicopter parent does not teach them how to think for themselves or be responsible for themselves.  Sometimes letting our children reap the consequences of their actions is the best teacher of all.
  • God blessed us with the Sabbath Day as a day of rest and worship.  Spend time with God on the Sabbath and take a nap!  You need both!
  • We need to focus on what is RIGHT with our lives and enjoy the life God gave to us.  Laugh and have fun with those you love—be intentional about creating special times…MAKE A MEMORY!
  • Be careful not to sin in your anger.  When you are angry, do not send an email or post anything to social media.  Pray about it, and sleep on it.  Things typically look a lot clearer and more manageable in the morning.
  • Nurture your most precious relationships.  Fight for them!  When you are wrong, say “I’m sorry”.
  • Be “media free” whenever possible.
  • Pray, pray and pray some more.
  • Ask God to create in you a pure and clean heart—do not be found doing all the “right” things but for all the wrong reasons.
  • And lastly— I’m not superwoman and neither are you.  Let’s take off our capes and thank God for His grace!

Thanks for stopping by!  I’m so grateful for you!





life hurts

Lately, I have been noticing more and more how good we are, as women, at pretending.  We may be having the worst day ever, but when it’s needed…we can slap on a fake smile and pretend everything is ok.  Truth is, sometimes everything is not ok.  Now, we are confident in our God and we know that he has purpose for the pains and frustrations we live through.  But, sometimes….life hurts.  It is so important for us to remember that God searches our hearts. He is not looking at the things that men look at.  He judges our hearts.  He knows every defeated thought we have.  He knows every fear and worry that lives inside of us.  He knows our insecurities, doubts and sadness.  Sometimes we pretend to be someone we are not.  We want the world to think we have it all together, but there are times when we are nearly falling apart.  I’m comforted by knowing that God knows who I really am and His Spirit intercedes for me each day.  So, even when I feel things are falling apart and I don’t know what to pray, God’s Spirit in me, knows.

Romans 8:27 says,” And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”  I want to encourage you today to know that it’s ok to cry.  You don’t have to pretend that everything is ok.  Sometimes, life hurts.  Allow your feelings to bring you to the foot of the cross and know that God loves you.  Stand firm on His truth and know that you can trust Him.  He will tend to your needs.

Thanks for stopping by today!



Speeding Ticket?



I wonder…..do you ever drive over the speed limit?  Ok, let me rephrase the question.  If you find yourself driving over the speed limit do you feel convicted about it?  Does it bother you that you did something you were not supposed to do?  Most of us probably do not feel guilty about driving over the speed limit unless we get stopped by a state trooper and are handed a speeding ticket.  If that happens, then, we feel pretty bad about what we did and we are not too excited about the hefty penalty we will pay .  This same idea can apply to our spiritual lives too.  Many times, we do not feel convicted about sin unless we get caught.  Think about it.  Many times, the sin we commit is private.  In our minds and in our hearts we can privately harbor anger, jealousy, hatred, even lust and no one but us and God knows about it.  Remember in the book of Matthew when Jesus said, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”?  You see, sin is not just an outward action.  Sin can occur in your heart and in your mind.  And, sin hinders our prayer life and our fellowship with God.   1 John 1:9 says  “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”.

The next time you have a sinful thought or feeling, don’t just brush it off or ignore it.  Confess it as the sin that it is and ask God to create in you a clean and pure heart.  Oh…and the next time you find yourself driving over the speed limit, well….just be careful out there.

Thanks for stopping by!  ~Joy

When it Rains….it Pours


You have heard the old expression, “When it rains, it pours”.  Does your life ever seem this way?  Do you ever feel that when one bad thing happens, it seems that more bad things start to happen too?  We certainly experience difficult seasons in our lives when things just do not make sense.  Times when we wonder what God is up to and we sometimes question what is going on.  There are seasons in our lives when we feel overwhelmed with life.  Are you facing one of those seasons right now?  Is your life just really hard and you feel that at any moment you could fall apart?  I want to remind you, my friend, that God is with you.  He will never leave or forsake you, even though you cannot see what tomorrow holds.  He is there with you, each step of the way.

Take a look at this excerpt from Psalm 46:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.  The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

It is good for us to remember that God loves us and there is nothing that comes our way that has not passed through His hands first.  He does not owe us an explanation as to why bad things happen in our lives.  He just asks us to put our faith and trust in Him.  He knows what He is doing!  Thanks for stopping by today!  ~Joy

Life is unfair!


Click here to listen   April 8 Life is unfair


Today, I am going to share with you some NOT so shocking news:  LIFE IS NOT FAIR!  Ok, ok this is something we already know, but if you are like me, you have times where you get frustrated because life is so unfair.  You try to be a good person.  You try to do what’s right and often times you are not rewarded in the way you think you should be rewarded.  I wonder if you are going through a situation right now where you feel you are getting the short end of the stick.  One thing is for sure—people are going to disappoint us, just like we disappoint other people.  My friend, we need to remember that we live in a fallen world.  Life is hard and things are going to happen to us that we feel are unfair.  What matters is how we respond.  Let’s think about our Savior and Lord Jesus.  He was treated unfairly.  The perfect son of God was beaten, ridiculed, and tortured, but how did He respond?  He spoke truth to his accusers and He demonstrated love.  Let’s take a look at these verses in Ephesians:

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ”.

Life is not fair.  But when trouble comes, let us seek to respond in a way that brings glory to God.   Let us speak truth in love.  Thanks for stopping by!  ~Joy

When life just doesn’t work out…



When Life doesn’t work out

Have you seen the movie, the Polar Express?  There’s a little boy in the movie, named Billie, who comes from the wrong side of the tracks.  His family is poor and He doesn’t have many friends nor does he get Christmas presents each year.  There’s a scene in the movie where he says, “Christmas just doesn’t work out for me”.  How sad it is when life comes at us in such a way that we feel defeated and down hearted.  Some of you reading this blog today may feel this same way about life.  There are times in our lives when we feel that life just doesn’t work out for us, times when things are bad, times when life seems dim.  There are times when we wonder, “what in the world was I put here on earth to do?”  Ever feel this way?

There’s a verse in Isaiah 41 that has been helpful in my life when I feel this way—a verse that reminds me of God’s truth.  Look at what verse 10 days, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  If we are a follower of Christ, then we are assured that He is with us.  He tells us not to fear and not to get discouraged for He is our God.  He is the giver of strength and He is our help.  He will never leave us—NEVER!  If you’re going through a tough season of life right now and you feel that life is just not working out for you, I encourage you to memorize this verse in Isaiah 41.  Repeat it over and over and stand firm that God’s Word is TRUTH and we can take Him at His Word.  When God says He will help us, then we must believe He will.  When He says He will strengthen us, then we must believe He will.  When He says He will uphold us, then we must walk with confidence that He will.  May we live our lives with a strong faith that trusts God to be the God He says He is!  Thanks for reading today!  ~Joy