
Growing Closer to God

Eyes Up! Press On!


Several months ago, my friend, Fran encouraged me with this phrase. “Eyes up! Press on!” She encouraged me at a time when I was feeling very defeated and I wondered what in the world God was up to. Have you had those times? Have you had times when you could not see how anything good could come from your trial? I imagine most of us have been there. It would be so easy during those times to give up and quit running our race. It would be easy to say, “That’s it! I am done!  I do not need this!”. During those times, my friend, you and I must have perseverance. We must keep our eyes focused on Him, stand on His Word and keep pressing forward.

God loves you and He has a purpose for your life. He is FOR you and He invites you to join Him in the work He is doing.   As you seek to fulfill God’s calling on your life, people will probably discourage you in your efforts.  Some people will even turn against you.  At times you will struggle.  You will probably feel defeated along the way, but you must persevere, my friend. When He is calling you, He will enable you!  

Do not give up!  Eyes up!  Press on!

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. ~Galatians 6:9

Thanks for stopping by!


You’re a Survivor!


My Mom and I have a phrase we frequently say to one another when life seems unbearable.  We started this phrase back in 2011 when my family moved from NC to TN.  Selling your dream home on your family’s farm and moving 600 miles away is no easy feat, especially when you had a wonderful life to begin with.  Bryan and I had great jobs, a sweet church family, and all of our relatives lived within 10 miles of our house.  Our kids had all of their grandparents and cousins just minutes away and we have always been a tight-knit family.  We had no reason to ever leave NC, expect that God was calling us to Jackson, TN.  People did not understand it and some could not believe we would leave it all.  Leaving everyone you know and love to come to a place where you do not know anyone on an intimate level is painful, but when God is the one leading you….you go!  So, we did.  It was hard.  It was very hard.  There were days I wondered how in the world I would ever survive.

The movers came on May 31, and because Bryan and the kids needed to stay behind to finish the school year, my Mom drove out to Jackson with me and our dog, Sandy.  We left our home (out in the country) with 250 acres of land attached to it and moved into a rental house located in a suburban neighborhood.  After the long drive, we finally pulled into the driveway of our rental house.  My Mom is a very positive person and was full of complements on how nice the neighborhood was and how nice the rental house was.  (As a side note, I’m really not sure how I would have ever made it through this process if it were not for my Mom.  She seemed to encourage me right when I needed it the most.)  As we sat in the driveway that day, I felt a whole array of emotions come over me.  I was sad, a little anxious, already a little lonely from leaving all of my friends and family, yet there was some excitement too.  My Mom looked at me and said, “Joy, you’re a survivor”.   And so, that phrase became our encouragement to one another as we unpacked tons of boxes and began setting up shop for a new life for the Greene family.  We worked all day and late into the night for three days getting the house just right.  We wanted it to be “home” when Bryan and the kids arrived.  My Mom and I were absolutely worn out and when we knew we were about to reach our breaking point, we would say to one another, “WE ARE SURVIVORS!”

What about you?  Are you a survivor?  Do you have inner strength that keeps you going even when you feel down for the count?    Maybe right now you feel like you are drowning in a sea of problems.  Maybe you wonder how in the world you are ever going to get through this trial in your life.  I want you to know, that if Christ lives in you, then you are a survivor!  Take a look at this powerful verse in Romans 8:37:

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

You see, this verse shows us that no matter what comes at us, through Christ, we are victorious!  God has prepared a crown and a kingdom for us and He will give us what we need to fulfill our purpose on this earth.  The Greek word used for “we are more than conquerors” is actually one single word, “hypernicōmen” and it means to prevail completely over.  I want you to let that soak in just a bit.  To prevail completely over—because of Jesus!

No matter what you are facing right now, with Christ, you have victory!  It does not mean that things on this side of eternity will go the way you want them to go.  It does not mean you will not experience failure along your life’s journey.  While you and I are here, we will have heartaches to endure, but while we are walking in those heartaches, our faith will not be shaken.  Our love will not be diminished.  Our hope will not be destroyed.  Instead, the joy of the Lord will BE our strength and through Him we will triumph!  We have victory!

So when life seems unbearable and your strength begins to fail you, stand firm on God’s Word.  Stand firm on who He is.  Fill your mind up with Truth and know that you, my friend, are a survivor!

Grateful for you!


What do you worry about?


As women, we worry.  We worry more than men.  We worry about…well…..almost everything.  We worry about how the house looks.  We worry about money.  We worry about our kids, our husbands, our bodies.   You know, we even pride ourselves on how we worry about other people.  Somewhere along our life’s journey, we have learned that worrying about a friend means you care about that friend.  We say, “Oh!  I have been so worried about you”.  And this makes us feel BETTER about ourselves?  When did we start believing these lies??

I am a high energy person and I think that makes me prone to worry.  I wonder if you are prone to worry too?  When we worry, people try to help.  They mean well.  They say, “Oh Joy….don’t worry”.   THAT DOES NOT HELP!  I have found there are almost no words a person can say to you to make you stop worrying.  People are so kind and they try to be helpful, but when you are dealing with a Type A Worrier, their only hope is Jesus.

Worrying is bad, but it is normal.  We feel scared from time to time.  We are unsure what the future holds and there are times that real fear sets in.  And let’s face it, sometimes big time, serious life circumstances invade our lives and we worry.  As a follower of Christ, we are not supposed to worry.  I know this and you know this.  God’s Word is very clear.  The issue for me is that I do not have a worry on/off switch.  I cannot turn off my worry switch so I can clear my mind before I go to bed.   The real issue for us is not that we do not understand that worry is bad.  We know worry is bad.  Our real issue is that we do not know HOW to stop worrying.  Oh, if only we had a worry switch that we could turn off…


Over the years, God has taught me so much about overcoming worry and anxiety.  He has taught me some things about myself that I do not like.  He has shown me that my biggest issue with worry and anxiety is that I do not trust Him enough.  Whatever I worry about….well….that is the very thing I do not trust God with.  I can say with my lips that I trust Him, but if I worry over it, you can be sure I am not fully trusting God with it!  What lives deep within our hearts, makes itself known in the life of our minds.  When it all boils down to it, my worry stems from the area(s) of my life that I have not surrendered to God.  Why have I not surrendered those things to God?  Because surrender requires trust.  Sometimes I am afraid that the will of God may not match up with my desires.  Have you ever felt this way?  My friend, when we give our lives over to Jesus, it requires daily surrender.  It is a struggle, but if we are going to follow after Him, we must die to ourselves and surrender to Him—-FULLY!

This past week I began teaching my newest Bible study, “The Worrywart!”.  This study requires me to be as transparent as I have ever been in a teaching setting.  As we combed through God’s Word on the topic of worry and anxiety, God had a specific word for me.  He reminded me, once again, that trouble will come to all of us.  None of us get a free pass from pain in life.  The longer we live, the more heartache we experience.  He reminded me that my only hope is in Him.  He is my hope!   Because of Him, I have nothing to fear.  This week He spoke to me through Psalm 112:7 in a new and fresh way.  The Psalmist says…  

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Do you ever fear bad news?  What will the results of my mammogram be this time?  How will my child do on their test this week?  What type of evaluation will I receive from my boss?  God tells us that when our hearts are grounded steadfastly in Him, we will not fear any bad news that comes our way.  Instead of worry and anxiety, our hearts are full of trust.  We trust that He knows what He is doing.  We trust that He really is working all things together for our good and His glory.  We trust that He has a plan and His plan is the best plan.  I desire to trust Him that way.  What about you?   

If you are worried or anxious about a life circumstance, I encourage you to ask God to help you trust Him more.  What I mean is that you need to get into your closet, all alone, and cry out to Him about what is troubling you.   The antidote for worry and anxiety is trusting God.  When we genuinely trust Him with our hearts (and not just with our lips), our worry and anxiety will begin to subside.  My friend, get alone with God!  Allow Him to take care of your heart.  You can trust Him.  He is worthy!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Grateful for you!




What to do with your Christmas Cards!


As Christmas is over and the New Year is beginning, you may be taking down your Christmas decorations. Maybe, like me, you have beautiful Christmas cards sent to you from friends and family. What do you do with those cards? Maybe you save them in a cedar chest somewhere or maybe with a heavy heart….you throw them away! Here is an idea for you and your family that involves using those Christmas Cards to encourage your family to pray.

This year, take all of your Christmas cards and place them in a shoe box. Call a family meeting and talk about the beautiful cards your family received this year. Explain that you are going to do something new this year with all of the pretty cards. They are now weekly prayer cards. Each night, gather together in someone’s bedroom. It doesn’t matter where you pray, just that you are praying. On a particular night of the week (let’s say, Sunday), have one child pick a Christmas card out of the prayer box. Whoever sent you that card, becomes the prayer family of the week. Place that Christmas card somewhere in the house where everyone can be reminded to pray for that family (the refrigerator works nicely). As you pray each night as a family, include that particular family in your prayers. Try to pray specifically for each member of that family. The next Sunday night, pick a new card out of your shoe box and continue this process each week until all of the Christmas cards are gone. Let your kids decorate the prayer shoe box or write a letter to the family you are praying for. They can thank the family for the Christmas card and tell them they are praying for them this week.

At my house, family prayer time is not always picture perfect. There are times when our kids squirm or act silly. They are kids and they have to be taught how to have reverence for God. Try not to get discouraged. You may miss a night or two along the way because life happens. Don’t let it get you down. Be persistent. Don’t give up! The most important thing our children can ever do in life is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Maybe this idea will help spark that in your family!

I pray you have a blessed New Year! May the gracious hand of God cover your family!

I am so grateful for you!

Not in the mood for Christmas?


A friend of mine reminded me last week that Christmas is not a joyful time of year for everyone.  People who have lost loved ones, have health conditions, financial problems or family troubles often struggle finding happiness at Christmastime.   I wonder if this Christmas is a difficult time for you.  I wonder if you dread this upcoming holiday; not because you do not love Jesus, but because your life is not what you would like for it to be this year.

Christmas 2005:  my life was not what I wanted it to be.  I was facing an illness I was not sure I would ever recover from.  I was dreadfully sick and after seeing multiple doctors, I could not get better.  There were no answers.  There was little hope that I would fully recover.  Christmas was coming and I was not ready.   My kids were very little (9 months and 3 years).  I was supposed to be having the time of my life.  Instead, I spent most of my time in the bathroom because of this sickness and I was not feeling up to the holidays.  As people were decorating their trees and buying gifts for their family and friends, I was stuck on the couch, crying out to the Lord.  I was asking Him questions like, “Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?”  “How can anything good come from this situation?”  “God, please heal me so I can get my life back!”  I was depressed.  I was anxious.  I was not in the mood for Christmas.

No matter what has gone on in your life this year, there is a reason to celebrate Christmas.  Even if you do not feel up to all of the festivities, you can find something to be thankful for this season.  One thing that helped me get through Christmas of 2005 was by reminding myself that God loved me.  Combing through my Bible to find verses of God’s love was critical for me that year.  I needed to remember His great love for me.  I needed to remember that nothing could separate me from His love!  His love is constant.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.    -Romans 8:38-39

Christmas is all about love so as you begin to gear up for the holidays, I hope you will focus on God’s love for you!  God sent His son into this world to save you.  He sent Jesus as a tiny baby who would ultimately end up hanging on a wooden cross to suffer and die for you.  He took all of your sins and bore them for you.  He paid the penalty for your mistakes.  God made a way for you to spend eternity with Him.  Regardless of your current situation, isn’t that reason to celebrate?

Life is hard, but life is also temporary.  We will only suffer for a little while, and then we will be with Him.  When life gets you down, my friend, try to focus on how much God loves you.  Do not put your hope in other people.  Do not put your hope in the things of this world.  Do not put your hope in money, food, success or your job.  Put your hope in Christ.  He is your Savior.  He is your hope!   

Don’t miss Christmas this year.  Embrace Jesus.  Embrace thankfulness.  Embrace love.

Thanks for stopping by today!


A CHRIST-centered Celebration!


As Christmas is just around the corner, are you already double checking your list?  Are you already planning for your Christmas celebrations with family and friends?  What do your Christmas celebrations look like?  We do a lot of things just because that is the way things have always been done. Someone, somewhere started a Christmas tradition and we keep doing it that way year after year.  When I think of some of my family’s traditions, I remember certain foods we ate every Christmas Eve at my Grandma’s house.  There was never a question about what we would eat that night…it was always the same menu.  What are some of your family traditions?  Would you say that your traditions are focused on Jesus?

This year, why not start a new tradition in your home?  Why not seek out a way to make this Christmas more Christ-centered ? I want to share with you a new tradition we started in our family several years ago when our kids were little.  As a Mom who was striving to keep Christ in the center of our Christmas celebrations, I realized there was very little we were doing as a family that intentionally focused on Him.  Of course our family being together was a blessing.  We had lots of love in our home, but I was concerned that we were not being intentional enough about making Christ the center of our Christmas.   So—I had an idea!  A simple, but fun idea to help keep our focus on Him!  It is called the CHRISTmas Scavenger Hunt! On Christmas Eve, we celebrate with Bryan’s family, which includes my niece and nephew.  Including my two kids, we have four kids itching for fun on Christmas Eve.  We started this tradition when the kids were little…ages 3-6, but you can implement it at almost any age.  This will take a little time and preparation, so begin the day before getting your things together.  Here’s how it works: We have the Little People Christmas Nativity Set, like the one below:

little people

Of course any nativity set will do, but I wanted something plastic so baby Jesus would not end up in 1000 pieces.  I sit out the Little People Nativity Set, with baby Jesus missing.  I have hidden him somewhere in the house or outside.  I begin with a simple letter explaining how Jesus was missing from the manger scene and that He was the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. I usually include scripture from Luke and the oldest child reads the letter out loud to the family.

Attached to the letter is Clue #1.  The kids read Clue #1 which leads them to Clue #2 and so one.  They end up going all over the house and backyard finding each clue which eventually leads them to baby Jesus.  The kids take turns reading the clues and a couple of adults accompany the kids along their adventure.  The first year, we only had 5 or 6 clues and they were written with simple sentences so the oldest kids could easily read them.  I typically use 3 x 5 notecards inside an envelope for each clue.  I try to make each clue rhyme and add some humor to the clues.  Here is an example of a clue:

  • Clue #1:  As you search for baby Jesus, what fun it is going to be!   To find Clue #2, go search beneath the Christmas tree
  • Clue #2:  Ok, that one was super easy but the next one will be hard.  You must grab your coats and gloves and go out into the yard.  Somewhere near the house, clue #3 is hid. You may want to begin searching in the pretty flower bed.

As the kids have gotten older, we have made the hunt much more difficult by adding more clues and giving them headlamps to light their way for some outside adventure.

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Once baby Jesus has been found, the kids come back inside, place baby Jesus in the stable, and their Grandpa reads the Christmas story.

This year, think of ways you can creatively keep Christ in the center of your Christmas celebrations.  Of course the presents are fun and the food is yummy, but without Jesus, we would have no reason to celebrate.  He is our reason!

Why not start a new tradition in your home that your family will continue for years to come!

I wish you a beautiful and CHRIST-centered Christmas!


When things seem hopeless…



I’m so glad you stopped by my website today because I have a word of encouragement for you!!  I want you to go with me to the book of Ephesians where we find a familiar and powerful passage of scripture in Chapter 3.  Verse 20-22 says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  What a powerful verse this is.  It reminds us that God hears our prayers—every one of them.  He is alive and active in our lives even when we don’t feel Him.  I wonder, as you are reading this, how ALIVE does God seem in your life right now?  Is His spirit so alive within you that you feel it is going to burst out of you, or are you in a season where you do not feel His presence?  Most of us have experienced times when we did not feel that God was near, but rest assured my friend, He is always with us and there are no situations too big for Him to handle.

Are you going through a difficult time in your life right now?  Maybe you are struggling in your marriage.  Maybe you are in a difficult situation with your kids.  Maybe you are facing real financial troubles or maybe you have aging parents and you cannot see a clear answer on what to do.  Maybe in your mind, your situation seems hopeless.  Listen my friend—with Jesus, no situation is ever hopeless because HE is the hope of the world!  Go to Him.  Get alone with Him, with your face in the carpet and cry out to Him.  Cry out BELIEVING He can do all things.  Cry out BELIEVING He can do more than you can ever ask or imagine.  BELIEVE He is the God He says He is in His Word.  Pour out your heart with total confidence that He is big enough to work out your situation for good.

When life gets you down, remember what God has done for you in the past.  Focus on how He has moved in your life.  Think back on times when you have asked God for something and He answered you way better than you even asked.  OH doesn’t He just blow you away with His goodness?

Life brings disappointment, heart ache and trouble.  We must remember that God is at work, often behind what we can see, weaving together the pieces of our lives in order to bring Glory to Himself and good to us.  When times seem dark, we must have faith to stand firm on His Truth!

Whatever doubts you have, whatever burden is on your heart today, wherever are you desperate for God to do a mighty work,  GO—-find a quiet place to be alone with Him and cry out to Him.  Get into His Word and remind yourself of the Truth we find in Chapter 3 of Ephesians.  Our God IS able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.  Pray and believe, and watch God work something beautiful out of a hopeless situation.

Give Him all glory and praise for ever and ever!


Overwhelmed with life?


A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those weeks where many things came crashing down all at once.  I imagine you know what kind of week I am talking about.  Those types of weeks leave you feeling defeated, beaten down and overwhelmed.  Those are the kind of weeks where you begin to question everything you are doing as a wife, mother, daughter, employee, friend, and even as a child of God.  Well, that was my week and the enemy was in full force trying to steal my joy.  As I cried out to God in desperation over what I needed to do to “fix” my problems,  He began to reveal some truths to me that I needed to hear.  He began to expose some of the sin in my life and He began to teach me how to get back on track with His plan.

I wonder if you feel overwhelmed right now with all of the responsibilities you carry in your life.  I wonder if you feel defeated as a wife, mom, friend, coworker or even as a Christian.  I wonder if there are nights when you cry yourself to sleep and no one knows about it.  I wonder…..

My friend, we all feel overwhelmed from time to time.  This life is stressful and the demands on us are great.  I want to give you some encouragement as you read this posting.  I want you to know that you are not alone.  None of us have it all together.  Oh–we know how to look the part, but inside we all have insecurities and we all need Jesus!  None of us have perfect marriages.  Most of us struggle knowing how to raise our children, and most of us have more laundry piled up than we want to admit.  Below is a list I put together of some lessons God continues to teach me about fighting the feeling of being overwhelmed.  As you read this list, I hope it causes you (like it does me) to examine your life more closely.  I hope it brings you some encouragement!

  • We must spend quality time with God, daily and study His Word.  It is a MUST!  Set aside time with Him.  Be intentional about it!
  • We should prioritize our relationships according to God’s plan (your most important human relationship is with your spouse).   Our children should not be more important than our spouse.  Neither should our best girl friends, or even our Mother.  Our man should be our #1 human relationship!
  • We need to pray and LISTEN more carefully to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Do we know how to hear His voice?  Are we hungry to hear Him?  If not, ask Him to help you.
  • We should be careful before committing to a new project.  Just because something is a good idea, does not mean we should be a part of it.  Every need is NOT your calling!
  • We need to stop over-scheduling ourselves and our children.  We all need time at home to play in the back yard and we need to have more regular meals together around the kitchen table.
  • We cannot do everything for our children.  We are raising them to be responsible adults.  Being a helicopter parent does not teach them how to think for themselves or be responsible for themselves.  Sometimes letting our children reap the consequences of their actions is the best teacher of all.
  • God blessed us with the Sabbath Day as a day of rest and worship.  Spend time with God on the Sabbath and take a nap!  You need both!
  • We need to focus on what is RIGHT with our lives and enjoy the life God gave to us.  Laugh and have fun with those you love—be intentional about creating special times…MAKE A MEMORY!
  • Be careful not to sin in your anger.  When you are angry, do not send an email or post anything to social media.  Pray about it, and sleep on it.  Things typically look a lot clearer and more manageable in the morning.
  • Nurture your most precious relationships.  Fight for them!  When you are wrong, say “I’m sorry”.
  • Be “media free” whenever possible.
  • Pray, pray and pray some more.
  • Ask God to create in you a pure and clean heart—do not be found doing all the “right” things but for all the wrong reasons.
  • And lastly— I’m not superwoman and neither are you.  Let’s take off our capes and thank God for His grace!

Thanks for stopping by!  I’m so grateful for you!


15 cents!


hershey kisses

Oh I remember how frustrated I was when I realized my son, Sam, had taken 3 pieces of candy off the counter (that we did not pay for) of the Mexican restaurant and was eating them in the back seat of our car.  It would not have been so bad if we were not already half-way home.  Once I realized what had happened, I was in a quandary of what to do.  Here were some of my thoughts:

  • I mean, really?  What was Sam thinking?  He knows better than that!
  • Each piece of candy was only 5 cents each!  5 x 3 = 15 cents!!!
  • We go to this same Mexican restaurant almost every week. Can’t I just pay the extra 15 cents the next time we eat there?
  • It is Sunday.  I am tired and I can hear my comfy bed calling my name.   I—need—-a—-nap!
  • Is 15 cents worth turning around?

I tried to rationalize myself out of it….but then I felt it.  That small, quiet voice in my spirit urging me to do what my flesh did not want to do.  It was there for Bryan too.  So, without blinking an eye, Bryan whipped us off of the interstate and back we went to the restaurant to pay the 15 cents for the candy.  Sam went in, apologized to the restaurant manager and we had a teachable moment right then and there.  God began to speak to me about the importance of being trustworthy in the little things.

Surely you are faced with these tests in your life too?  Some tiny thing that may go completely unnoticed by the rest of the world, but inside your spirit, you know God is urging you to do the right thing, the hard thing, the inconvenient thing.  We are given opportunities to prove ourselves trustworthy and faithful followers of Christ, but often we miss those opportunities because we brush them off as unimportant.

Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

Many times, we are tempted to take the easy road because it is more convenient.  Life is hectic and sometimes we choose to ignore the still, small voice of God.  The more we ignore His urging, the easier it becomes for us to sin.  Before we know it, sinning becomes more and more comfortable for us and we find ourselves out of fellowship with God.

Have you ever found yourself looking for that “next big thing”?   I imagine you know what I’m talking about.  We want something more grand to come our way.  We want our finances to grow, we want our Sunday school class to grow, we want more people to hear our story or see our talent.  We strive to live lives of significance and we feel that will only happen if we have more.  If you are itching for something new, something bigger, something more grand, I want to encourage you to examine how well you are stewarding what has already been entrusted to you.  Are you proving faithful where you are right now?  Are you trustworthy?  Maybe it’s a better job you are after and you are frustrated because there are no open doors for new opportunities.  If so, then I encourage you to examine your heart.  Are you really giving your best at your current job?  Are you working as for the Lord and not for men?

If we cannot be trusted with the little things, then how can we be trusted with bigger things?

Let’s prove to be faithful and trustworthy servants of God!


Let it GO!




“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”  ~Leviticus 19:18

Now this is a tough one…holding grudges!  Have you ever held a grudge against someone?  Have you ever had trouble with true forgiveness, and in your heart you seek revenge on another person?  If you are honest, have you hoped for something bad to happen to someone who wronged you or hurt you?  I imagine most of us have felt this way at least one time in our lives.  We get hurt by something another person says or does and it is hard to let it go.  What a good reminder today that God is very clear in His Word about how we are to behave.  This is what we find in the book of Romans:

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” ~Romans 12:19

We are not called to repay others for what they have done to us.  We are called to love them.  Loving people that love us in return is pretty easy to do, but loving those people who have hurt us—now that is much harder.  The next time you feel tempted to hold a grudge against someone or to repay them for the evil they have caused, ask God to help you respond in a way that pleases Him.  Ask Him to help you love and trust Him to be the God of justice that He is.  Be obedient in all things, choose love, and….let it go!

Thanks for reading today!  ~Joy